project news & events archive
March 11, 2011 The BAT met on March 11, 2011 to continue discussions on how to respond to Bexar County's and the CAC's questions concerning the BAT recommendations for the plan. The BAT approved a response for distribution to the CAC and the County, with a summary to be prepared by the BAT chair. Agendas, materials, and minutes for the meeting are posted on the COMMITTEES page as they become available.March 7, 2011 The CAC met on March 7, 2011 to continue discussions regarding preferences for the GCW and BCV conservation program. The CAC used a "dot census" exercise to indicate preferences for mitigation ratios, preserve land distribution, participation fees, and levels of acceptable public funding. No actions were taken on a CAC recommendation for the plan. The CAC also discussed the potential implications of other counties passing resolutions to "opt out" of the SEP-HCP and the anticipated schedule for reviewing the first draft of the plan. Agendas, materials, and minutes for the meeting are posted on the COMMITTEES page as they become available.
February 28, 2011 The Kendall County Commissioners' Court approved a resolution on February 28, 2011 to not support nor participate in the creation of the SEP-HCP. Click here for a copy of the Kendall County resolution.
February 22, 2011 The Blanco County Commissioners' Court approved a resolution on February 228, 2011 to not support nor participate in the creation of the SEP-HCP. The resolution further requests that Blanco County be removed from any and all documents, permit applications, and records that may commit Blanco County or its landowners to this process. Click here for a copy of the Blanco County resolution.
February 21, 2011 The CAC held a meeting on Monday February 21, 2011 to continue small group discussions regarding alternatives for the GCW and BCV conservation program. The CAC members were asked to identify their priorities with respect to authorized habitat loss, mitigation ratios, preserve size and distribution, participation fees, and the level of acceptable public funding. Groups reported on their priorities and preferred scenarios to the full committee. This meeting was announced as a joint meeting of the CAC and BAT, but quorum of BAT members was not present at the meeting. Agendas, materials, and minutes for the meeting are posted on the COMMITTEES page as they become available.
February 11, 2011 The BAT rescheduled its February 4 meeting for February 11, 2011. The BAT heard a presentation from Dr. David Diamond (Missouri Resource Assessment Program) regarding the GCW habitat model updates that were requested by the BAT. The BAT discussed how to respond to the County's and the CAC's questions regarding the BAT's recommendations for the GCW conservation program. The BAT also heard an update from the consultant team regarding recommended revisions to the proposed karst conservation program. Agendas, materials, and minutes for the meeting are posted on the COMMITTEES page as they become available.
February 7, 2011 The CAC met February 7, 2011 to discuss alternatives for the GCW and BCV conservation program and worked in small subgroups to identify options for balancing the amount of take to authorize, mitigation ratios and preserve size, the distribution of preserves, and the level of fees to charge participants. No decisions were made on these topics, and the CAC asked to continue the small group work sessions at their next meeting. The CAC heard public comments from landowners concerned with the direction of the plan and reviewed a draft brochure being developed to better inform the public about the project. The CAC also heard a presentation from Jacobs (the consultant team's NEPA contractor) about the EIS and scoping process. Agendas, materials, and minutes for the meeting are posted on the COMMITTEES page as they become available.
January 10, 2011 The CAC met on January 10, 2011 to discuss plan implementation and ideas for balancing plan costs. CAC members discussed simple examples of how the plan may be implemented to achieve conservation and extend endangered species take authorization to voluntary participants. The CAC also worked through a simple budget model for the plan that calculates how changes to the details of the conservation program and participation fees affect the overall program costs. No actions were taken on plan implementation or budget.
December 28, 2010 The Bandera County Commissioners' Court approved a resolution on December 28, 2010 to not support or participate in the development or implementation of the SEP-HCP. The resolution also requests that Bandera County be removed from all planning documents that would commit Bandera County to the SEP-HCP process. Click here for a copy of the Bandera County resolution.
December 13, 2010 The Kerr County Commissioners' Court approved a resolution submitted by Commissioner Jonathan Letz (CAC Co-Chair) stating that Kerr County Commissioners Court does not want to participate in the SEP-HCP and requests that Kerr County not be included in the SEP-HCP, unless the County or its residents specifically request (by resolution or letter to Bexar County) to be included. Click here for an excerpt from the December 13, 2010 Kerr County Commissioners' Court meeting for discussion of the resolution.
December 6, 2010 The CAC met on December 6, 2010 to hear BAT conservation recommendations for the BCV and preliminary cost estimates associated with the BAT recommendations. The BAT also further discussed the biological recommendations for the GCW and karst. The BAT discussed concerns from some rural landowners regarding the potential impacts of the plan on property rights, including a letter submitted to Bexar County from representatives of Whiskey Ridge Ranches in Kerr County. The BAT discussed options for changing the Plan Area or extent of incidental take coverage in response to these concerns. The BAT took action to ratify the biological recommendations of the BAT for the BCV and karst species. Agendas, materials, and minutes for the meeting are posted on the COMMITTEES page as they become available.
November 17, 2010 The BAT met on November 17, 2010 to discuss additional recommendations for the GCW, karst, and BCV conservation programs. The BAT approved recommendations for the BCV conservation measures, based on a proposal by the BAT's BCV subcommittee, that included a recommended take authorization of 6,000 acres and a mitigation ratio of 2:1. The BAT also approved several other conservation measures for the GCW, including aspects of preserve configuration, the timing of mitigation, and management and monitoring. For a portion of the meeting, the BAT met in karst and bird subcommittees to discuss possible recommendations for public access and recreation on preserve lands. Agendas, materials, and minutes for the meeting are posted on the COMMITTEES page as they become available.
November 15, 2010 The CAC met on November 15, 2010 to hear presentations and consider the BAT recommendations for the GCW and karst conservation measures. The CAC asked questions and discussed the biological rationale for the recommendations, as well as economic concerns. No actions were taken. Agendas, materials, and minutes for the meeting are posted on the COMMITTEES page as they become available.
November 4, 2010 The BAT met on November 4, 2010 to continue GCW and karst subcommittee discussions on draft recommendations for the conservation program. The full BAT discussed the subcommittee proposals and voted to approve recommendations for CAC consideration regarding aspects of the GCW and karst conservation programs, including GCW mitigation ratios, the general locations of GCW mitigation land, upfront karst conservation commitments and a process for determining impacts to karst habitats. Agendas, materials, and minutes for the meeting are posted on the COMMITTEES page as they become available.
October 20, 2010 The BAT met on October 20, 2010 to hear and discuss preliminary cost estimates for funding the acquisition of a preserve system under different scenarios for mitigation ratios, participation rates, and the general location of preserve lands. The BAT discussed ideas for recommendations on preserve size and configuration, including the locations of focal areas, commitments for a specific amount of preserve land in or immediately adjacent to Bexar County and the possibility of obtaining conservation credit for some existing parks and preserves. The BAT discussed options for the karst conservation program that would address uncertainties regarding the status of many of the karst species. The BAT recommended that Bexar County obtain additional updated habitat information for the GCW from an analysis of 2010 satellite data with error checking over 2010 aerial imagery. Agendas, materials, and minutes for the meeting are posted on the COMMITTEES page as they become available.
October 18, 2010 The CAC held a workshop with members of the BAT on October 18, 2010 to help the CAC understand some of the factors under consideration by the BAT with respect to preserve size and configuration, mitigation ratios, and other considerations for the conservation program. No actions were taken. The agenda, meeting materials, and minutes are posted on the COMMITTEES page as they become available.
October 8, 2010 The BAT met on October 8, 2010 and heard presentations about managing public access on preserve lands from William Conrad (City of Austin Wildlands Conservation Division Manager responsible for management of endangered species and water quality protection lands) and Deirdre Hisler (TPWD Superintendent at Government Canyon State Natural Area). The BAT discussed preserve size recommendations for the GCW and voted to approve a draft recommendation to the CAC for a target preserve of 85K - 100K acres for this species. The BAT decided to form a subcommittee to continue work on how to update GCW habitat estimates and mitigation ratio recommendations. The BAT also formed a subcommittee to discuss recommendations for karst preserve and mitigation requirements. The agenda, materials, and minutes for this meeting are posted on the COMMITTEES page as they become available.
October 4, 2010 The CAC met on October 4, 2010 and discussed preliminary guidance from the BAT on take authorization, mitigation ratios, and target preserve sizes for the GCW and BCV. The CAC also heard updates from the consultant team on the land development projections, illustrations of the range of possible funding needs, and alternatives for additional analysis of GCW habitat in the Plan Area. No actions were taken. The agenda, materials, and minutes for this meeting are posted on the COMMITTEES page as they become available.
September 24, 2010 The BAT met on September 24, 2010 to discuss possible recommendations for the amount incidental take to authorize and the amount of mitigation to provide for the GCW and BCV. The BAT reviewed estimates of total habitat and patch size metrics for the GCW based on multiple habitat models and discussed various scenarios for incidental take authorization and corresponding preserve sizes. BAT members heard presentations from the USFWS and the consultant team regarding assessing impacts to covered karst species, guidance for appropriate conservation measures, basic karst terminology, and examples of karst conservation programs from other central Texas RHCPs. The BAT discussed ideas and alternatives for assessing impacts for karst habitats and achieving conservation goals. No action was taken on providing recommendations to the CAC. The agenda, meeting materials (including presentations and handouts), and minutes are posted on the COMMITTEES page as they become available.
September 13, 2010 The CAC met on September 13, 2010 and continued discussion on community goals and objectives, heard presentations on projected population and land use changes, and were introduced to the scale of potential habitat loss for the GCW and BCV over the duration of the plan. The CAC voted to approve a draft statement of community goals and objectives that outline preferences for the overall purpose and direction for the plan. Click here to view the adopted goals and objectives. The agenda, meeting materials, presentations, and minutes are posted on the COMMITTEES page as they become available.
September 10, 2010 The BAT met on September 10,2010 to discuss estimated potential impacts to the GCW and BCV from land development over the next 30 years and factors that should be considered for establishing appropriate mitigation ratios for participating projects. The USFWS presented guidance on how to assess take and determine mitigation, recent findings on species status, and suggestions for the creation of a regional preserve system. The consultant team presented estimates for population and land use changes over the term of permit and estimates of potential habitat loss for the GCW and BCV. The agenda, meeting materials, presentations, and minutes are posted on the COMMITTEES page as they become available.
August 25, 2010 The BAT met on August 25, 2010 to discuss management and monitoring priorities for species addressed by the plan. No actions were taken, but BAT members generally agreed that plan resources should be focused first on acquisition of habitats, then active management of preserves, and finally on monitoring activities to demonstrate compliance with the permit, assess the biological effectiveness of the conservation program, and guide the adaptive management program. The agenda, meeting materials, and minutes are posted on the COMMITTEES page as they are available.
August 2, 2010 The CAC met on August 2, 2010 to continue discussions on the permit holder, including how to include other jurisdictions in the plan. The CAC also deliberated on a general conservation strategy and broad community-based goals and objectives for the plan. This general conservation strategy includes goals for regional conservation, supporting Camp Bullis, stakeholder involvement, streamlined permitting, sensitivity to local concerns, and leveraging resources. The CAC's strategy recommendations will help guide the formation of a specific conservation program that achieves protection of the SEP-HCP species and addresses community needs and concerns. The CAC also reviewed preliminary work by the BAT on a set of biological goals and species-specific biological objectives for the plan. CAC members were encouraged to send written comments on the proposals to the committee chairs. An agenda, minutes, and other meeting materials are posted on the COMMITTEES page as they become available.
July 28, 2010 The BAT met on July 28, 2010 and had detailed discussions on the species-specific biological goals and objectives for the plan. The BAT also discussed a draft proposal for broader community goals and objectives for the general conservation strategy. The BAT agreed to send their preliminary deliberations to the CAC for review and discussion, but did not make a formal recommendation. The agenda, materials, and minutes will be posted on the COMMITTEES page as they become available.
July 12, 2010 The CAC met on July 12, 2010 and voted to recommend that the duration of the SEP-HCP and associated permit be 30 years. The CAC also discussed issues concerning who the appropriate permit applicant should be and began discussions on the overall conservation strategy for the SEP-HCP, including the desired goals and objectives for the plan. The CAC also received information about the funding plans used in other local RHCPs. The agenda, materials, and minutes will be posted on the COMMITTEES page as they become available.
July 7, 2010 The BAT met on July 7, 2010 to discuss the resource assessments and the overall biological goals and objectives for the SEPHCP, including standards for mitigation and preserve design. The BAT also revisited the species list for the plan, primarily involving how to address salamanders and other aquatic karst species. No formal action was taken on these topics. An agenda, materials, and minutes for this meeting will be posted on the COMMITTEES page as they become available.
June 18, 2010 The BAT met on June 18, 2010 and discussed the resource assessments prepared by the consultant team and some of the early comments on these documents. BAT members revisited the species list for the SEPHCP, including how to address karst aquatic invertebrates and Eurycea salamanders. The BAT voted to not object to a possible 30-year duration for the incidental take permit, acknowledging that this decision is largely not a biological issue. Finally, the BAT discussed overall biological goals and objectives for the SEPHCP, including standards for mitigation and funding issues. An agenda, materials, and minutes for this meeting will be posted on the COMMITTEES page as they become available.
June 7, 2010 The CAC met on June 7, 2010 and heard presentations on the HCP process and karst species. CAC members discussed aquatic species issues and recommended the inclusion of 3 freshwater mussels as Category 3 (voluntarily conserved) species, with the rest of the rare aquatic species treated as Category 5 species (considered but not included). The CAC also voted to recommend draft language for covered activities that would broadly include coverage for any type of incidental take, with specific examples of common activities to aid understanding. The CAC also began discussions of the permit duration and permit applicant. An agenda, materials, and minutes for this meeting will be posted on the COMMITTEES page as they become available.
May 28, 2010 The BAT met on May 28, 2010 and discussed a variety of topics, including aquatic species, activities covered, permit duration, and several resource assessments prepared by the consultant team. Action was taken to recommend the inclusion of three freshwater mussels to the list of voluntarily conserved species in the SEP-HCP (Category 3), with the BAT taking responsibility for developing the conservation measures. The BAT will also be preparing a rough draft recommendation for consideration by the CAC on activities covered. An agenda, materials, and minutes for this meeting will be posted on the COMMITTEES page as they become available.
May 3, 2010 The CAC met on May 3, 2010 and heard a presentation from Mr. Robert Gulley on the progress of the Edwards Aquifer Recovery Implementation Program. Mr. Gulley described that the EARIP is developing a Habitat Conservation Plan to implement conservation actions that will protect the endangered and threatened species that rely on spring flow at Comal Springs and San Marcos Springs. The CAC discussed the types of activities that the SEP-HCP might cover for incidental take, and reviewed a list of examples from other approved and draft regional plans in central Texas. The CAC also received updates from Bexar County and the consultant team regarding the project budget and an anticipated schedule for major CAC agenda topics over the coming months. The next CAC meeting is scheduled for Monday June 7, 2010. The meeting agenda, materials, and presentations are posted on the Committees page.
April 5, 2010 The CAC met on the evening of April 5 and heard presentations from Mr. James Cannizzo regarding the mission and biological issues at Camp Bullis and from Mr. Richard Heilbrun (TPWD Wildlife Biologist and BAT chair) about the biology and habitat needs of the golden-cheeked warbler and black-capped vireo. The CAC also received updates on coordination efforts with Comal County, the status of obtaining independent legal counsel for the plan, and ongoing work by the consultant team on the baseline resource assessments. The CAC discussed the possibility of including aquatic species in the SEP-HCP, but did not take action on the topic. The next regular CAC meeting is scheduled for Monday, May 3, 2010. The meeting agenda, materials, and presentations are posted on the Committees page.
March 1, 2010 The CAC held a training workshop and meeting on March 1, 2010. Several CAC members and appointed alternates participated in training on the Texas Open Meetings Act and Public Information Act by watching two videos prepared by the Texas Attorney General's office. During the regular meeting the CAC adopted a charge and operational procedures to help guide committee actions. The CAC also discussed ongoing communication and coordination with Comal County, with respect to Comal County's draft regional habitat conservation plan. The CAC also heard a presentation from the BAT chairperson regarding preliminary deliberations on a framework for including species in the SEP-HCP and the species that might be addressed by the plan. An agenda, meeting materials, and minutes will be posted on the COMMITTEES page as soon as they become available. The next CAC meeting was tentatively set for the evening of Monday, April 5, 2010.
February 22, 2010 The BAT met on February 22, 2010 and adopted a framework of four categories for addressing species in the SEP-HCP, including 1) species covered for incidental take at permit issuance ("Covered Species"); 2) species covered in the plan for future incidental take authorization ("Future Covered Species"); 3) species addressed with targeted voluntary conservation commitments without seeking take authorization ("Voluntarily Conserved Species); and 4) rare species that will benefit from the targeted conservation measures implemented for species in categories 1, 2, and 3 ("Additional Species"). The BAT also provisionally adopted a list of species in these categories in order to help direct the consultant team, but the BAT also intends to continue work on the species list over the next few months. The BAT discussed issues related to addressing aquatic species in the plan, but requested additional information and guidance from the species experts, USFWS, Bexar County/City of San Antonio, and the CAC before making any recommendations. The BAT also adopted a set of operational procedures for the conduct of BAT business. An agenda, materials, and approved minutes for this meeting will be posted on the COMMITTEES page as soon as they become available.
February 18, 2010 The CAC held its second meeting the evening of February 18, 2010 at the San Antonio Water System offices. The CAC appointed Kirby Brown (Texas Wildlife Association) and Commissioner Jonathan Letz (Kerr County) as committee co-chairs. The committee heard presentations about the Texas Open Meetings/Open Records Acts and Comal County's experience with developing a regional HCP. The CAC discussed wording for a committee charge and operational procedures, and voted to recommend a Plan Area for the SEP-HCP based on the recommendations from the BAT, which were presented to the committee by Allison Arnold (US Fish and Wildlife Service). More information about this meeting (including an agenda, background materials, and approved minutes) is posted on the COMMITTEES page.
February 9, 2010 The Bexar County Commissioners Court approved the appointment of 6 members of the SEP-HCP Biological Advisory Team (BAT). The Texas Parks and Wildlife Department appointed the BAT chairperson, and the landowner members of the Citizens Advisory Committee appointed another member of the BAT. More information about the 8-member BAT is available here.
February 8, 2010 The BAT held an all-day meeting on Monday February 8, 2010. The BAT took up several items including adopting a charge that defines the BAT's role in the SEP-HCP process, refining operational procedures for conduct of BAT business, and continuing discussions regarding the Plan Area and list of Covered Species. The BAT's adopted charge directs the group to provide input on biological matters in connection with the development of the SEP-HCP, including critical reviews of any aspect of the SEP-HCP directly or indirectly affecting the biological integrity of the plan. The charge also directs the BAT to base its recommendations on the best available science. A copy of the BAT's adopted charge is available here. The BAT also recommended a draft Plan Area for the SEP-HCP that includes Bexar, Medina, Bandera, Kerr, Kendall, Comal, and Blanco counties (with the possibility of adding Uvalde and Gillespie counties, after additional consideration). Meeting agenda, materials, and approved minutes are posted on the COMMITTEES page.
January 29, 2010 The BAT held its first meeting on Friday January 29, 2010 and discussed considerations for the SEP-HCP Plan Area and list of Covered Species, as well as Open Meetings Act requirements, operational procedures, and the SEP-HCP work plan and schedule. The BAT established voting procedures that strive for consensus and provide for minority opinions to be added to the project record. The BAT will meet again in early February to resume discussions and possibly submit a recommendation for the Plan Area and list of Covered Species for the SEP-HCP. Meeting agenda, materials, and approved minutes are posted on the COMMITTEES page.
January 19, 2010 The CAC held its first meeting on January 19, 2010 and heard presentations from Bexar County, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, Texas Parks and Wildlife Department, and Loomis Partners (SEP-HCP environmental consultant team project manager). The CAC was briefed on the Endangered Species Act, Habitat Conservation Plans, the National Environmental Policy Act, and Texas state law pertaining to regional HCPs. The project team identified the various participants in the process and their primary roles, as well as the the project's work plan and schedule, including major tasks and milestones. The CAC landowner members appointed Mr. Justin Dreibelbis (Conservation Program Coordinator for the Texas Wildlife Association) as the landowner representative to the Biological Advisory Team. Meeting agenda, materials, and approved minutes are posted on the COMMITTEES page.
DECEMBER 11, 2009 The SEP-HCP website ( was launched with email announcements made to the Stakeholders Group. The website provides a single point-of-contact for information related to the development of the SEP-HCP, including meetings, announcements, project updates, documents, and general information.
DECEMBER 1, 2009 The Bexar County Commissioners Court approved the appointment of 20 representatives to the Citizens Advisory Committee (CAC). The appointments represent regional landowners, environmental/conservation groups, real estate/business groups, utilities, and government agencies. The Texas Parks & Wildlife Department (TPWD) must also appoint one member to the CAC. Click here to learn more about the CAC.
NOVEMBER 17, 2009 The Bexar County Commissioners Court approved Interlocal Agreements (ILAs) with the Texas Parks & Wildlife Department (TPWD) and the City of San Antonio to access the $1.3 million in grant funds awarded by the U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service (USFWS) for development of the SEP-HCP. The County and City are each contributing $223,000 in local matching funds. The Commissioners Court also approved a contract with Loomis Partners to engage the environmental consultant team selected to assist the County and City with this project. Click here for a press release from Bexar County.
August 12, 2009 Bexar County hosted a kick-off meeting for SEP-HCP stakeholders. Meeting featured presentations by Andrew Winter (Bexar County), Allison Arnold (U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service), and Clifton Ladd (Loomis Partners). Presentations were followed by a question and answer session.
July 21, 2009 Bexar County Commissioners' Court voted to select Loomis Partners as the prime environmental consultant to assist with the development of the SEP-HCP. The Loomis team also includes assistance from Zara Environmental, Jacobs Engineering Group, The Nature Conservancy, Wendell Davis, Braun & Associates, Ximenes & Associates, and M.E. Allison.
June 11, 2009 The U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service announced a grant award to Bexar County and the City of San Antonio of approximately $1.34 million develop the Southern Edwards Plateau Habitat Conservation Plan. The County and City will each provide $223,448.50 in local matching funds over the course of the project. The grant will be administered through the Texas Parks & Wildlife Department.